a block breaks off from the Marmolada glacier, killing at least 6 people


France 3

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A huge block broke off, Sunday July 3 in the afternoon, from the Marmolada glacier, in the Italian Alps, carrying several hikers. The balance sheet is still provisional: at least 6 dead and 8 injured.

Tons of ice and rock rolling down the slope, and two climbers narrowly escaping. The avalanche passes just a few tens of meters from their rope. From a terrace, the scene is just as frightening. Several tourists film, without being aware of the drama that is playing out in front of them. The avalanche caused numerous victims, several dead and injured, some of whom, Sunday evening July 3, are hospitalized in critical condition.

Helicopters are on site to locate and rescue hikers. In northern Italy, the Marmolada glacier, the highest mountain in the Dolomites, culminates at 3,343 meters. The huge block broke off on Sunday afternoon, the day after record temperatures, 10 degrees at the top of the glacier.

On Saturday July 2, the experts sounded the alarm, reporting major crevasses and abnormal snowmelt for the season. If temperatures continue to rise, what is now the largest glacier in the Dolomites could all but disappear by 2050, researchers say.

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