Pushing the door of the Green Crown in Barembach (Bas-Rhin) is a bit, apart from the music, swing back 130 years. Floor, woodwork, tables, everything is period, starting with the famous murals painted at the dawn of the 1900s by the artist Camille Brownthe brother of the great-grandmother of Martine Charlier, the current manager.
Camille Braun is an artist-painter who became famous for his war sketches in 14-18 on the Vosges front. Between 1891 and 1899 he handled his brush in the café: a fresco which adorns the ceiling above the bar, it represents a bird in a spring sky, and several paintings on the wallsthey evoke the four seasons.
Martine Charlier explains that the official from the regional directorate of cultural affairs who followed the classification file made her discover something that had never struck her: “In the paintings of the four seasons, the lady who is painted is dressed in blue-white-red, each time. As it was under the occupation, the painter wanted to put a little French touch”.
– Olivier Vogel
were also registered under the historical monumentsby prefectural decree dated July 7, 2022, the woodwork of the café, its floor, three tables, a bench and several doors, including the front door.
– Olivier Vogel
At the bar, the regulars de la Couronne Verte are very proud of this ranking. “It’s heritage, it’s magnificent, especially the ceiling there, look!” loose Fretz. Daniel completes: “It’s part of the story, the place is also a bit magical, friendly, with Martine in charge, it’s super nice”. In 1996, the Green Crown was almost burnt to ashes by a major accidental firesome paintings still bear the scars of fire hoses, now classified as a historical monument, Martine hopes to have them restored.
– Olivier Vogel