a birthday celebrated without party favors

The presidential Renaissance party will celebrate this weekend the six years of Emmanuel Macron’s accession to power, but gives up a big celebration.

It’s not really the birthday that Emmanuel Macron’s supporters dreamed of, but the time is not for party favors or pointy hats. “We are not going to blow out the candles on a giant cake”, quips a member of the management of Renaissance. The troops of the Head of State celebrate this weekend the six years of his arrival in power, not the first anniversary of his re-election. The cake could have been indigestible.

For the occasion, a poster and towing campaign is launched, with a change of slogan: no more “Avec Vous” used during the 2022 presidential campaign, make way for “For Us”. Renaissance has published ten different posters, each representing a concrete measure. For example, Medically Assisted Procreation (PMA) for all, the 10,000 additional police and gendarmes or the more than 2,600 Maisons France Services.

In total, 300,000 posters will be stuck on the free display panels, overnight from Saturday to Sunday. 500,000 leaflets have been printed, ministers and deputies assigned to distribute them in the markets this weekend. “We have a problem at the moment: we have done a lot of things but people don’t know about it”confides a support from Emmanuel Macron.

A campaign validated by the Élysée

Not a word, of course, on the pension reform. It looks like a disguised campaign to prepare something else. First of all, it serves to complete the communication around the president’s travels, “in contact with the French” as the Elysée says – the campaign was of course validated by the Château. According to our information, if Emmanuel Macron will be discreet this weekend, since he has not planned to make a video on social networks for these six years, there are still several trips on his agenda next week. Starting on Monday, with a tribute to Jean Moulin near Lyon. Before being absent again during a series of trips during the month, to Iceland and then to Japan for the G7.

Officially this campaign does not hide another. But behind the scenes, Emmanuel Macron continues to regularly receive notes on the political situation and on the strategy to adopt. Even if the soufflé seems to fall, part of his entourage continues to plead for a dissolution. “The Assembly is blocked, it is the only weapon it has left”translates one of his followers. “There is a big malaise, a big wavering, it’s not going at all, the president will have to do something”, confirms a deputy. Basically, this six-year campaign shows that Renaissance still serves as a rear base, a logistical base, always endowed with significant financial resources, and therefore ready to resume the campaign.

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