A bill to suspend parental authority for certain perpetrators of domestic violence

This Saturday is World Children’s Rights Day. Marie Tamarelle-Verague, Member of Parliament for Eure, will present a bill next Thursday to better protect children facing situations of intra-family violence. Its text provides in particular for the suspension of parental authority of the violent parent in certain cases. She was the guest of France Bleu Normandie this Friday morning.

The child is a full victim

“This bill provides suspension of parental authority insofar as there is proven violence against the spouse. A parent who perpetrates violence against the spouse is directly violent against his child, there is direct violence against the children. A parent perpetrator, aggressor, cannot be both the aggressor and the protector of his child. This is why his parental authority must be suspended “, estimates Marie Tamarelle-Verague.” The child is a victim in its own right. To install a treatment, the situation of these children must be clarified. They must themselves be aware that they have been victims of this violence “.

It is also very important for the author to be aware of this

“In the cycle of violence in which he has entered, a violent parent cannot guarantee a physical, psychological and moral guarantee for his child. For the author too it is very important that he be aware of this. This suspension is first and foremost protection for the child, for the victim spouse, and necessary for the aggressor parent for awareness and work“. The text also provides for a better Psychological support children.

It is estimated that 398,000 children grow up in the midst of intra-family violence. In addition to this bill, a conference is therefore organized on Wednesday at the assembly, with a call for testimonials on the Internet, to collect testimonies from children victims of intra-family violence.

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