The national secretary of the Ecologists announces that her party has tabled “a motion for prior rejection”.
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The agricultural bill “does not guide anything and does not outline a very favorable future” for farmers, said Tuesday May 14 on franceinfo Marine Tondelier, national secretary of Ecologists. MPs begin examining the government’s text in the hemicycle on Tuesday to respond to the anger expressed by farmers during the winter.
A draft orientation law on agriculture “guides nothing”, it is “empty”according to the boss of the Greens, who assures that her party “will vote against”. “We even filed a motion for prior dismissal”she said.
Reworked after the agricultural crisis, the bill lifts certain environmental constraints and brings together very diverse subjects with the objective of accelerating the arrival of new generations of farmers. This text is “extremely insufficient”justifies Marine Tondelier. “When we have 100,000 farms that have disappeared in ten years, what is proposed in this law is a drop in the ocean,” she lashed out. The ecologist criticized a text which “will encourage the installation of megabasins, encourage the installation of factory farms which are harmful to our health, to animal dignity and then to the economy.”
“We have to stop making fun of the world”scathed the national secretary of the Ecologists about the flagship article of the agricultural orientation bill which is to establish agriculture as “major general interest of the French nation”. A formula to legally facilitate the construction of water reserves for irrigation and new above-ground livestock buildings. Marine Tondelier sees this “a poetry competition” since‘”they replace the word important with major general interest”she quipped. “That’s not what will help farmers, it’s useless,” she continued, assuring that it was “insulting to farmers”.
“I am especially in favor of stopping helping the big guys more than the small guys in this country. This law goes in the opposite direction.”
Marine Tondelier, national secretary of the Ecologistsat franceinfo
The boss of ecologists goes further, pointing out “bad faith” of the government of “suggest that this law will help farmers”. “It will help agricultural lobbies to make a little more money perhaps, but a big thought for the small farmers who are dying in this country”she denounced.