A bill allowing you to be buried with your pet’s ashes soon to be presented to Parliament

In France, the law prohibits being buried with your pet, unlike neighboring countries such as Switzerland, Germany and Great Britain.

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Olivier Falorni, MP for Charente-Maritime, joined the group of Democrats in the National Assembly, will present this fall a bill allowing anyone to rest with the ashes of their pet, learned franceinfo in a press release. Which is currently prohibited in France.

Extract from the Official Journal of December 2, 2021: "Questions submitted to the President of the Senate and answers by ministers to written questions".   (Screenshot Official Journal)

The project, according to the text drafted in February 2022 before the presidential election, will allow “to any individual, who expressly states this choice during his lifetime, during his burial in a communal cemetery, to have the cinerary urn of his animals stored by his side, within his coffin, before the coffin”.

It is notably supported by an association in Gironde. “A demonstration is planned in Bordeaux on October 15”, says Sophie Llado, president of Cookie Cat Cies. The rally is scheduled for 2 p.m. Place de la Comédie. On this occasion, the petition launched by the association at the beginning of 2022 will be relaunched, it already has nearly 40,000 signatures. A “postcard” operation has also begun. “The aim is to extend the petition and send these cards to the Assembly to show the deputies that the movement is supported”, she points out.

Currently in France, the burial of animals is regulated by law. Only small animals such as dogs or cats can be buried in an approved animal cemetery. “Throwing the remains of your animal in a trash can, a sewer or any other place is prohibited and can be punished with a fine of 3,750 euros”says the law.

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