a banner displayed at the front of the town hall to call for peace between Israelis and Palestinians

The town hall ensures that it advocates respect for international law and the two-state solution.


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The banner calling for peace in the Middle East displayed on Friday June 7 in Nancy.  (CITY OF NANCY)

A banner was displayed on Friday June 7 at the front of the town hall of Nancy (Meurthe-et-Moselle) to call for peace between Israelis and Palestinians, reports France Bleu Sud Lorraine.
The town hall intends to testify to a “symbolic commitment to peace in the Middle East”.

The banner displayed at Stanislas Square on City Hall calls for the release of Israeli hostages in the hands of Hamas and an immediate ceasefire in the Gaza Strip. “No one can remain indifferent to the dead end path in which Israelis and Palestinians are engaged, at the cost of the lives of thousands of innocent civilians. No one can accept that anti-Semitic acts are increasing in France, no one must resolve to any form of racism whatsoever., writes the city in a press release. She advocates respect for international law and the two-state solution.

The Nancy town hall recalls the actions it takes in favor of the victims of the war. On December 4, the municipal council unanimously voted for financial aid to its twin city of Kiryat Shmona as well as to the solidarity fund of United Cities France in favor of the civilian populations of Gaza. Refugees from Gaza have been welcomed in Nancy since December. The city specifies that in the coming months it could welcome children from Kiryat Shmona, “whose inhabitants have been evacuated since October 2023 in the face of Hezbollah fire from Lebanon”.

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