“A ballot is useless”, when voting is no longer a dream

40% of young voters did not vote in the second round. Should we see a temporary crisis or a lasting lack of interest? Le Quart d’Heure today questions the abstention of young French people, who seem to favor other forms of commitment. Proportional, direct democracy, debate… We asked Vincent Marigny, professor of political science, to give us a list of the tools that would allow us to rebuild the confidence of young voters with the institutions.

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It is in English, Spanish or even Italian that Emmanuel Macron was congratulated on his re-election as President of the Republic. In Le Quart d’Heure, we offer you an overview of reactions around the world, from Brussels to Washington. Everywhere, the re-election of Emmanuel Macron seems to arouse relief, commensurate with the concern caused by his opponent’s positions on Europe or Russia.

On the other hand, in France, the victory seems rather to have a taste of bitterness, of the tenacious kind. Among the disappointed, there are obviously the voters of the National Rally, but also all those who decided to vote Emmanuel Macron out of resignation, for “to block”. Le Quart d’Heure precisely went to meet those who had the impression of having “voted without having voted”of “having no choice”to have made an act of citizenship without any enthusiasm.

How to explain this lack of will, which was illustrated at the polls by a historically low participation rate? Is there a risk of a lasting collapse in the practice of voting among young people? So many questions that the Quarter Hour asked Vincent Martigny, professor of political science at the University of Nice and at the Ecole polytechnique.

On the side of the re-elected president, the motto is precisely to address the abstentionists and tell them “message received five out of five”. Proposals are already emerging from the government to “respond to this democratic dissatisfaction”, according to the term of Bruno Le Maire, Minister of the Economy. So, the Quarter Hour exchanged with Vincent Martigny on the tools that could help rebuild the confidence of voters. But will the new government seize it?

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