The walker who discovered the bale of cocaine on Wednesday immediately notified the police. A flagrant investigation was opened by the La Rochelle public prosecutor’s office.
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A bale of 20 kilograms of cocaine was found washed up by a walker on a beach on the Ile d’Oléron (Charente-Maritime) on Wednesday November 15, France Bleu La Rochelle learned on Monday from the La Rochelle public prosecutor.
According to Arnaud Laraize, contacted by France Bleu La Rochelle, this bundle was discovered on a beach on the west coast of the island. The prosecution does not wish to give the precise location of this discovery.
The walker who made this discovery immediately notified the police. The package of packaged drugs was “covered with shells”, specifies the prosecutor. The estimated resale value is 1.3 million euros. The prosecution opened a flagrant investigation, entrusted to the research brigade of the Rochefort gendarmerie.
One of the first hypotheses favored by investigators is that of a bundle thrown overboard of a ship after a go-fast foiled by the police.