a bakery removes packaging around baguettes to save money



France 3

Article written by

France 3 Brittany, M. Le Morvan, G. Bron, G. Hamon – France 3

France Televisions

A Breton baker did not wish to increase the price of his baguette despite the price increase. Instead, he decided to remove the packaging.

In the bakery of Jean-Baptiste Abgrall, in Locmaria-Plouzané (Finistère), the loads are increasingly heavy. “We use between 10 and 15 bags a day, which represents between 8 and 10 tonnes of flour monthly. At the end of the month, it starts to count a little”, he explains. And this because the price “has almost doubled since the end of last year”.

To save money, he eliminated the paper used to wrap bread and baguettes. “We had gentrified ourselves a bit with this little piece of paper to avoid putting crumbs in the car, or to make it easier to transport, but hey, in the 70s and 80s, we didn’t put paper on the bread”, recalls the baker. Customers are all won over by this idea. Some are even already thinking of bringing their bag.

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