A baby kangaroo in Mialet!

Difficult to specify his exact date of birth, but the little one is starting to poke his nose out of his mother’s pocket, and the managers of the Mialet animal garden have managed to take a picture of him. A couple of kangaroos just had a baby and it’s a first for the park ! “A baby kangaroo measures 2 to 3 centimeters at birth, explains manager Ghislain Argence. His mother makes a line of saliva on his belly, the little one follows the line of saliva to reach the pocket where he continues his growth by feeding – the teats are inside the pocket“. It remains on average, then, five months in the pocket.

This pair of kangaroos arrived in Mialet last year from an animal park in Puy-de-Dôme. The parents are called Charly and Charlene. As for the baby, before baptizing it, you must already be able to identify whether it is a boy or a girl.

The park is open this weekend, in the afternoon. It will then be open every day, from 2 p.m. to 5 p.m., from the Zone C holidays (February 19).

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