A 74-year-old man dies in a road trip in the Libournais

A 74-year-old man died this Thursday evening around 11 p.m. in a road accident, in Porchères, near Saint-Seurin-sur-l’Isle, in Libournais. His car went off the road, on departmental road 10, and ended up in a ditch. Firefighters were unable to revive him. A gendarmerie investigation is open to find out if he had any discomfort on the road.

Over the first nine months of the year, 67 people died on the roads of Gironde. Figures higher than the period January-September 2021, when 56 people died.

My France: Energy savings

Generalized increase in the cost of living, risk of shortage of electricity or gas, extreme climatic phenomena: these crises upset our daily lives, transform our lifestyles, push us to draw the contours of new horizons. To meet these challenges, France Bleu and Make.org are launching a major citizen consultation around energy savings. Take a stand on these solutions & propose your own!

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