A 4th tricolor jersey for Arnaud Démare?

The pass of 4 for Arnaud Démare ? The Beauvaisian sprinter from Groupama FDJ will be at the start of the French road cycling championships in Cholet this Sunday (10:50 a.m.). Already titled in 2014, 2017 and 2020, he could win a fourth tricolor jersey and thus equaling Jean Stablinski’s record. The Nordiste had been crowned champion of France in 1960, then from 1962 to 1964.

Last May, Arnaud Démare had already made an impression on the Giro by becoming the Frenchman with the most stage victories on the Tour of Italy: 3 on this edition, 8 in all, more than Bernard Hinault and Jacques Anquetil.

In Cholet, the carrot will therefore be beautiful for Arnaud Démare who is clearly a favorite of these French championships. Even if physically, he has already given a lot since the start of the season in February. For example, fatigue caught up with him last week at the end of the Route d’Occitanie.

But the quest for the blue white red jersey gives wings to Picard. As in 2020, during a splendid sprinter-adventurer finish against Julian Allaphilipe and Bryan Coquard. For this 2022 edition, the finish seems promised to a sprinter after 12 laps of 20 kilometers, or 240 in all. The course is very urban, concentrated on Cholet and its close outskirts and has only a slight false flat rising after the start line and a bump which should pose no difficulty far from the finish.

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