The suspect has already been convicted four times, including once for rape in 2015.
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A 49-year-old man living in Hennebont, in Morbihan, was indicted for the rape and murder of Iris C, said the Lorient prosecutor’s office on Friday June 9. He was arrested and taken into custody on Thursday. The suspect was indicted by the Lorient investigating judge on criminal counts of kidnapping, forcible confinement, murder and rape. He was also temporarily imprisoned by the judge of freedoms and detention.
His DNA was also found under the fingernails of the victim. When questioned about this while in police custody, he first denied, then ended up talking. He claims to have found Iris C. drunk and inanimate, then to have picked her up and loaded her into his van, simply to come to her aid. He assures investigators that the victim must have scratched him during this process.
This forties “was already unfavorably known to the police and justice services, for having previously been the subject of 4 court convictions, between 2003 and 2015”, including a 9-year prison sentence for rape in 2015.
The suspect was subject to a socio-judicial follow-up
He was still subject to socio-judicial follow-up in the context of this latest conviction, but the experts in charge of this follow-up had not until then noted “no element as to a possible risk of recidivism, since the person concerned showed himself, since his release in 2018, respectful of his obligations, benefited from a job, was married and father of a family”, says the floor.
The body of the victim, Iris C., from the Lorient region, was discovered by walkers on Saturday May 27 in the waters of Blavet, near the town of Lanester.