A 4-year-old child tears his foot in Deux-Sèvres and waits five hours for a hospital to accept him

A young child has almost lost the use of his foot lack of support on Saturday June 12 in Thouars, learned France Bleu Poitou, confirming information from our colleagues from La Nouvelle République. It is 11:30 a.m. when the mother hears cries coming from the garden. Her 4 year old son has just passed his foot under the mower. From the big toe to the heel, all along the foot is jagged. Emergency services are immediately notified. Once there, they administer first aid. Meanwhile, the Samu struggles to find an available hospital to take care of the child.

The helicopter does not respond

At the end of 4 hour wait and after several refusals for various reasons, the little boy is still taken care of in the fire truck. At 4 p.m., a place was finally found at the Angers hospital center. To do this as quickly as possible, the Samu first thinks of transferring the injured person to a helicopter. The closest is in La Rochelle but the service concerned does not respond. You have to go quickly because after six hours, the child will lose his footing.

The firefighters therefore decide to hit the road, escorted by the police. Thirty minutes later, the boy is finally in the hospital. He will be operated on three hours later, but will keep the sequelae. “It’s very revolting”reacts the mayor of Thouars Bernard Paineau. “We even tried to contact Parisian hospitals, in vain.”

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