A 34-year-old man from Bayonne, free for four days, hits his partner and returns to prison

It didn’t take long before this resident of Bayonne found himself face to face with the police again. Released from prison on Monday August 8, he was again arrested on Friday August 12 for domestic violence. The next day, the deputy public prosecutor in Bayonne placed him in pre-trial detention, awaiting an immediate appearance before the Bayonne judicial court, scheduled for Tuesday August 16.

A slap to make your ears bleed

It is 1:30 a.m., Friday August 12, when the Bayonne police receive a call. On the other end of the line, a 38-year-old woman calls for someone to come and save her. Her companion, four years younger than her, physically assaulted her: several slaps, including at least one that would have made her ear bleed. Auscultated a few hours later by a doctor, the victim will be prescribed five days of ITT (Temporary incapacity for work).

The police arrive on the spot. She calls the suspect, and finds on him 77g of cannabis resin.

A “regular of convictions”

In police custody, the police find a man they know well. A “accustomed to convictions”, summarizes a police source. The man has been convicted many times for drug use or trafficking. It is also for a drug case that he spent his last year in prison, then released on Monday August 8. He also made numerous stays at the Administrative Detention Center (CRA) in Hendaye.

An Algerian national, the police have doubts about his identity. An administrative vagueness which prevents them from launching a deportation procedure at the border.

At the end of his police custody, the suspect was presented on Saturday August 13, at the end of the morning, to the deputy public prosecutor in Bayonne. “At my request, he has been placed under a warrant of committal. He will appear immediately on Tuesday”said Marc Married to France Bleu Pays Basque.

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