A 25-year-old man masturbates on a plane… 3 months in prison

This Wednesday, February 23, 2022, Judge Mary Larkin had to deal with a strange story. While presiding over the Ennis court hearing in Ireland, she did not hesitate to use strong words to describe the acts committed by Ioan Remi Makula on board a Ryanair airline flight bound for Dublin. actions ” scandalous » which have « cgasped the woman next to him, but also all the passengers on the plane and this cannot be tolerated “, report our colleagues from the Irish Mirror and the Daily Star.

The facts date back to February 4 in a plane which was to connect Manchester to Dublin. Ioan Remi Makula was arrested by the police on landing after being denounced for exhibitionism. On board the aircraft, he was seen masturbating. Once at the station, the young man had called his lawyer. The latter had tried to provide an explanation for this inappropriate gesture. According to the information relayed by Sud Info, his client would have been the victim of a ” flash “. ” There was a woman sitting next to him and he had a vision which indicated that the passenger wanted to see his sex “.

Far from wanting to oppose the desires of his neighbor, he would then have cooperated and opened his pants… Without touching himself, according to him. ” He wants to apologize to other passengers and staff – it goes way beyond what you might call in-flight entertainment “, then specified the lawyer facing the Court before adding: “ It was a spur of the moment. Mr. Makula had this impression, but the staff came to him immediately. Then it didn’t happen again. Unfortunately, Judge Mary Larkin was unconvinced by the story and handed down the sentence. Namely, 3 months in prison.

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