a 24-hour negative test mandatory for all passengers going overseas

The rule will be the same for vaccinated and unvaccinated passengers. From Tuesday, December 28, you will have to present a negative PCR or antigen test of less than 24 hours to go to the French overseas territories.

The Ministry of Overseas France announced the measure on Friday in a press release and specifies that it will apply “for travel from France, as from all foreign countries”. The ministry adds that this obligation “is necessary in order to protect the overseas territories from the new epidemic wave under the effect of the Omicron variant”.

Faced with the arrival of the fifth wave of the epidemic linked to the Delta variant, mandatory tests for all travelers, before boarding flights from France to these territories, had already been reinstated on Monday, November 29. But the rule was different depending on the vaccination status. For vaccinated people, a PCR test of less than 48 hours or an antigen test of less than 72 hours was sufficient while a negative test of less than 24 hours was necessary for unvaccinated people.

In addition, the bill transforming the health pass into a vaccination pass, presented on Monday, December 27 in the Council of Ministers, provides for extend the state of health emergency until March 31, 2022 in Martinique and to declare it until the same date in Reunion.

The state refuses to negotiate with the protesters sanitary antipass

This Friday, the Ministry of Overseas Territories also refused to negotiate with the sanitary antipass demonstrators who invaded the hemicycle of the Regional Council of Guadeloupe Thursday evening. Protesters oppose the vaccination obligation for caregivers and firefighters and ask the State to join the negotiating table, which has been interrupted for two weeks, to discuss the issues at the origin of the social crisis in Guadeloupe.

But the state ruled out this Friday any negotiations aimed at _“repeal a law of the Republic”_. No question either for the ministry of an amnesty for those who would have committed violence on the police force, within the framework of the social crisis which shakes the archipelago since the beginning of November.

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