A 21-year-old dies in a scooter accident in Amiens

A 21-year-old young man died last night in Amiens, a priori following a fall from a scooter, between 1 a.m. and 2 a.m., on the night of Saturday to Sunday November 6, 2022.

He was found dead on rue Haleine Ridoux, behind Amiens station, by firefighters. The exact circumstances of the death are not yet known.

My France: Energy savings

Generalized increase in the cost of living, risk of shortage of electricity or gas, extreme climatic phenomena: these crises upset our daily lives, transform our lifestyles, push us to draw the contours of new horizons. To meet these challenges, France Bleu and Make.org are launching a major citizen consultation around energy savings. Take a stand on these solutions & propose your own!

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