A 2-year-old girl seriously injured after a dog attack in Péronne-en-Mélantois

The village of Péronne-en-Mélantois in the south-east of Lille is in shock this Monday evening. A rottweiler managed to escape from its owners’ house and pounced on a 2-year-old girl in the street of schoolchildren around 5 p.m.. The little girl was in her stroller on a walk with her nanny. The dog, which had no muzzle, bit her in the face several times.

The dog was fine

The little girl disfigured by the animal was transported to the Lille University Hospital in serious condition, her vital prognosis is not engaged. The shocked nanny was also hospitalized. 13 firefighters from Lesquin and Templeuve went to the scene and the dog was captured at the end of the afternoon. A decision had to be made in the evening to euthanize the Rottweiler.

The Rottweiler is a “guard and defense dog“classified in 2nd category, owners must be of legal age and have a clean criminal record to own one, they must receive training. The town hall of Péronne-en-Mélantois had issued a detention permit to the owner of the animal which attacked the child. A meeting at the Cysoing gendarmerie is scheduled for Tuesday.

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