A 19-month-old girl between life and death after falling into a swimming pool in Castres

As a big heat wave arrives in Occitania and France, the authorities call for the greatest caution because the risk of drowning is high, and not only at sea.

This Sunday July 10, 2022, a 34-year-old man drowned in a swimming pool in the south-west of Toulouse, Saint-Simon district. And we learn that the same day, the Tarn firefighters intervened in the city of Castres. They were called shortly before 10:30 p.m., route de Lavaur, to rescue a 19 month old baby girl. She had obviously escaped adult supervision and was in the pool in cardiorespiratory arrest. She was transported in critical condition at Purpan Hospital in Toulouse. The SAMU and the national police were also on site.

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