a 16-year-old minor admits the facts and will be tried in December

A 16-year-old minor, unknown to the police, will be tried in December before a juvenile judge for violence, after the attack on four firefighters on Friday in Tours, on the sidelines of a mobilization of high school students
. Placed in police custody, the young man admitted having kicked one of the firefighters and apologized, according to the public prosecutor of Tours. Another investigation is underway for aggravated violence in order to identify the other perpetrators. The video, which went viral, sparked outrage on social networks, even going so far as to provoke the reaction of the Minister of the Interior Gérald Darmanin.

We should perhaps develop civic-mindedness at school to remind everyone of the respect they owe to others” – Colonel Paturel, boss of SDIS 37

This Monday, October 24, the colonel of SDIS 37 Ivan Paturel returned to the facts, in the morning of France Bleu Touraine. “Unfortunately, I fear that some of these young people will use any bad excuse to justify a violent relationship with others. We should perhaps develop civic-mindedness at school to remind everyone of the respect they owe to others. Then, justice must be fully exercised. I have absolute confidence in justice, but that implies that the aggressors are found and that, in accordance with the penal code, there are a few examples which can cool the ardor of some.

The CFTC union is calling for a rally on Wednesday in front of the Tours barracks, boulevard Wagner.

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