In Hérault, in Cessenon-sur-Orb, Jessica and her two children had a car accident on Christmas Day. It was Nathan who came to the aid of his loved ones.
Reading time: 2 min

On December 25, a little before 6 p.m., Jessica decided to go find some plants in nature for her Christmas decoration. She then takes her car. His two children accompany him, Nathan who is 13 years old and Carla, 4 years old. At the exit of Cessenon-sur-Orb, north of Béziers, in Hérault, it stops on the shoulder. Her daughter stays in the car, Jessica and Nathan go out to collect plants. They then get back in the car and she reverses to leave: “The right wheel started to collapse, I wanted to move forward and the embankment completely collapsed, and then we saw ourselves leaving”.
The car falls four meters below, rolls over, and ends up in a stream. The mother had not fastened her seat belt: “At the first shock, I lost consciousness”she tells France Bleu Hérault. “She had her head in water”continues his son.
“I took her head out of the water, I put her on the side. And I pushed her, I said to her ‘mom, wake up!'”
Nathan, 13 years oldat France Bleu Hérault
Jessica, 31, said she remembered hearing him speak but she couldn’t react. As she slowly regains her senses, Nathan unbuckles his sister from the child seat. “I went back into the car to look for a phone, to call the fire brigade. But I found nothing since it was dark”. The teenager then decides to go back up the embankment. He lost his shoes in the accident so he “was barefoot and there were lots of brambles”specifies Jessica.
Once on the road, he tries to stop a car. Young people stop and call for help. “The firefighters told me that I was calm, that I was courageous and that it was good”says Nathan.
“He showed a lot of courage.”
Jessica, her motherat France Bleu Hérault
In his place, I don’t know if I could have kept my calm as much as I did. There, I was completely disconnected. He reassured me that it was up to me to reassure my children. I’m really proud of my son, he saved my life.”she confides.
The family was taken to Béziers hospital to be examined. The two children were not injured. As for Jessica, she suffered several bruises and head trauma.