A 120 square meter farmhouse destroyed in a fire in L’Estréchure, in the Cévennes

The Gard firefighters intervened on the night of Wednesday to Thursday, shortly after 1 a.m., for a fire in a farmhouse for residential use very difficult to access in L’Estréchure, in the Cévennes. More precisely hamlet of Rieumal, in the Borgne valley. When the first vehicles arrived, the farmhouse was completely ablaze. The action of the firefighters made it possible to prevent the spread to the two neighboring houses and to the vegetation. The 120 m2 house, on the other hand, was destroyed.

the owner, burnt armwas first taken care of by the ambulance of St Hyppolyte du Fort and after examination by the firefighter doctor, was evacuated to the Lapeyronie hospital in Montpellier.

The flooding and clearing operations will continue this Thursday morning. The emergency centers of St Jean du Gard, St Hyppolyte du fort, Sumène and Lédignan were mobilized for the intervention.

source site-38