A 100% garden channel on YouTube

French television channels show little interest in gardening and gardeners. So if you want to enjoy beautiful images, listen to green hands tell you the story of their garden, discover plants or cultivation techniques, head to YouTube and the jardinjardinier channel.

The gardens filmed are Norman, Limousin, Rhône-Alpes, Aquitaine, Northerners… and of all sizes. Philippe Minot is the director of the 300 films available on the channel. And he never tires of walking his camera or flying his drone.

“I can’t get enough of filming gardens! Each garden is unique. Each gardener has their own way of approaching the garden. Each gardener’s journey is unique.

For some, the garden is therapy. For others, the passion dates back to childhood. People often talk to me about grandparents, their flowers, their trees, their vegetable gardens. Childhood memories are often the starting point for a new garden. None of my films have a twin brother. Each film is a discovery and another wonder.”

“Childhood memories nurture many gardeners.”

Philippe Minot

at franceinfo

Philippe Minot works alone. He manages the interviews, the camera, flies his drone. First of all for economic reasons (the films are often self-produced) but also to create the link and a climate conducive to confidences.

“With several people and ‘big guns’, filming would be very complicated. Many gardeners agree to talk because it’s face-to-face, and they quickly forget the presence of the camera. I start by the interviews, then I film the garden, the atmospheres… I blend into their decor to be able to film them in their garden. Some garden with two or four hands, others take a book or allow themselves moments of observation… I have at heart to show how gardeners live in their paradise…”

Philippe Minot travels around France and the world to make his films.  (ISABELLE MORAND / DR / RADIO FRANCE / FRANCE INFO)

Philippe Minot dreams of filming in this life – or in another! – Japanese, English, Irish gardens. In the meantime, his next few months will be busy with gardens in France. Philippe, who filmed very small gardens of 50 m2 and huge ones, such as the park of the Palace of Versailles, will shoot in gardens and arboretums castles of the Loire. New films to discover soon on jardinjardinier on YouTube or via the jardin-jardinier.com website.

source site-23