Declared brain dead, the little girl was part of a group of children on an outing with a leisure center when they were hit by a car.
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The 10-year-old girl, hit by a car while cycling on Wednesday in La Rochelle as part of a group of 12 children, died, the La Rochelle prosecutor’s office told franceinfo on Friday June 7, confirming information of South West. On Thursday, the girl was declared brain dead.
On Wednesday, twelve children on bicycles aged 7 to 11 years old on an outing with a leisure center were hit in a “frontal impact” with a car. Seven children were injured, including the 10-year-old girl who died this Friday. Two children were able to leave the hospital on Wednesday. Thursday, another child, aged 10, was “in absolute emergency, still hospitalized ” in serious condition in Poitiers. Another 9-year-old child initially hospitalized in La Rochelle in relative emergency was transferred to Poitiers for observation. An 11-year-old child hospitalized in La Rochelle in absolute emergency is experiencing a positive evolution of her state of health. Finally, a fifth and final 9-year-old child in relative emergency was operated on Thursday morning in La Rochelle. She was “in stable condition”.
The 83-year-old driver of the car, a yellow Twingo”coming in the wrong direction“after being “suddenly deported to the left, for no apparent reason“, is hospitalized in a psychiatric hospital. She has been checked”negative for alcohol and narcotics“, underlined prosecutor Arnaud Laraize in a press release.
This accident has reignited the debate on medical examinations for elderly people in order to keep their driving licenses. The events occurred on a two-way avenue, close to the city center and limited to 30 km/h, while the children were going to an orienteering race in a public park, as part of a holiday camp activity.