Prison overcrowding reaches a new record in France, with 77,647 prisoners as of May 1

This is the eighth consecutive month that the prison population has increased, with an increase of 6.1% in one year.


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Gradignan prison (Gironde), December 11, 2023. (CHRISTOPHE ARCHAMBAULT / AFP)

The number of prisoners in France reached a new record on May 1, with 77,647 people incarcerated compared to 77,450 the previous month, according to figures published Friday May 31 by the Ministry of Justice. This is the eighth consecutive month that the prison population has increased, with an increase of 6.1% in one year.

This situation forces 3,405 prisoners to sleep on a mattress placed on the ground compared to 2,241 a year ago. This figure is up more than 50%. As of May 1, French prisons had only 61,966 operational places.

The overall prison density stands at 125.3% but in remand centers, where detainees awaiting trial and therefore presumed innocent are incarcerated. As for the prison density for people sentenced to short sentences, it reaches 150.3%. It reaches or even exceeds 200% in 14 establishments or districts.

Among those incarcerated, 19,978 are defendants, incarcerated while awaiting their trial. In total, 95,205 people were detained as of May 1. Among them, there are 17,558 non-detainees placed under an electronic bracelet or placed outside.

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