What to see this week? Here are our reviews of the latest films released in theaters or on a platform.
Handling the Undead : We, the living
“Norwegian Thea Hvistendahl’s first feature film, Handling the Undead bears no resemblance to the zombie films of George Romero, undisputed master of the genre, and his disciples, any more than to the series Walking Dead and its derivatives,” writes our journalist Manon Dumais.
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A little something extra : An irresistible happy band!
“There are films that do good, and A little something extra is one of those funny and touching films that put us in a good mood. It is therefore not surprising to see that this comedy is enjoying enormous success in France currently; 4.5 million spectators have seen the film since its release on 1er May, becoming the biggest success of the year in theaters ahead of Dune, part two », says our journalist Olivia Lévy.
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Backspot : Queer film about cheer
“First feature film by DW Waterson, co-directed by Deverly Jacobs (who also shines in the lead role) and produced by Elliot Page, Backspot is an independent Canadian film about cheerleading, and really about cheerleading. Understand: the queer question is not in the foreground, but rather simply in the background,” explains our journalist Silvia Galipeau.
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Bonnard, Pierre and Marthe : Of love and fresh paint
“Written with Marc Abdelnour, Bonnard, Pierre and Marthe tells in an elliptical way an uncaptivating life as a couple made up of arguments and reconciliations, separations and reunions, lies and half-truths over 50 years. Drawn in broad strokes, the characters border on caricature, particularly the female characters, all of whom are unlikeable, even detestable. So a country lunch with friends turns into a grotesque argument coupled with a competition for the most hysterical character,” writes our journalist Manon Dumais.
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