Criminal trial of Donald Trump | “Lady Justice is stupid”

(New York) When Jake Beal learned that Donald Trump had just been found guilty of all 34 charges against him, he buried his face in a poster on which he had written: “Free Mother Teresa.”

” No ! No ! “, exclaimed the Californian in the middle of a handful of supporters of the former president gathered in a park located in front of the court where the historic verdict was rendered after less than 12 hours of deliberations.

“Shame on you Lady Justice!” Lady Justice isn’t just blind. She’s also stupid. It makes me sick,” he added.

In another part of the park, more numerous critics of Donald Trump joyfully chanted: “Guilty!” Guilty ! »

“It’s a relief,” said Nadine Styler, who has been in the park since the start of Donald Trump’s trial. “We have seen for too long the manipulation of a justice system by Donald Trump and other powerful people. It’s reassuring to see that there are limits to this game.”


A man holds up a sign that says “guilty”.

However, few of Donald Trump’s critics believed that the verdict of the New York jurors would have a decisive impact on next November’s election.

“The country is so divided. His supporters will say that the verdict is the consequence of a rigged system. They will not abandon him,” said Daniel Mitnik.

In contrast, Donald Trump’s supporters were convinced that the guilty verdict would ultimately help their favored candidate, whether or not he was considered a criminal.

“It will strengthen him, that’s all.” You’ll see the results in the polls,” said a New Yorker who did not want to be identified. “After that, we will have the election and all this will be behind us. »

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