Banning digital technology in our classes would be a mistake

In this era where technology plays an increasingly important role, it is essential to educate our children to use the digital tools available responsibly and effectively. Instead of banning the use of technologies in schools, it is important to educate our young people about their use.

As a mother and teacher, I am convinced that this proactive approach is of paramount importance for their future. Collaboration between parents and teachers is, as such, crucial.

Digital technology is present everywhere in today’s world of work. Technological skills have become essential in many professional fields. By providing digital education to our children from a young age, we give them a head start for their future careers.

Digital tools in the classroom are not only used for technical learning, they also encourage the acquisition of transversal skills such as critical thinking, problem solving and creativity. For example, online collaborative projects encourage students to collaborate, manage projects, and communicate effectively. These skills play a crucial role not only in the professional field, but also in private life.

It is also essential to make our children aware of the benefits and risks of digital technology. With proper training, they can spot cyberbullying, misinformation, and privacy dangers that may lie ahead. At the same time, they acquire the ability to use the possibilities offered by technology, such as access to a wealth of knowledge and educational resources. For example, online studies can contribute to their school work and broaden their intellectual horizons.

As parents, we have an essential role to play in regulating digital use at home. Screens are widely used by our children, whether for homework, games or social networks. It is essential to set precise rules and monitor the duration of their presence in front of screens. For example, setting specific times for online activities and promoting screen-free time helps maintain a healthy balance.

As teachers, it is our duty to incorporate digital tools into our educational practices. This provides a more interactive and engaging learning experience for students. For example, the use of online teaching platforms makes it possible to vary teaching approaches and adapt to the learning level of students.

It is also necessary to provide resources and tools to help parents supervise the use of digital technology at home. It is possible to offer them workshops, guides and practical advice to support them in this complex area. For example, awareness sessions on new digital trends and risks can help them maintain their level of information and improve the protection of their children.

In my opinion, it would be a mistake to ban digital technology in our schools. It is up to us, on the contrary, to educate our young people on its intelligent and responsible use.

By working together as parents and teachers, we have the opportunity to prepare our children to become competent and ethical digital citizens who can successfully cope with an increasingly connected world.

By investing in high-quality digital education, we prepare our children for the future and provide them with the keys to succeed in a digital and innovative world. By working together, we can help make digital a valuable tool for their future.

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