Take the bull by the horn (and drink from the other)

Big week on Quebec TV for the open-air recorder, the return of gressini in the kitchen and the expression “it never bothered me”, thank you, Meriem.

Let’s start with If we still loved each other at TVA, which stirred painful emotions, including those of the brave Gino towards his stepmother aunt, who ruined his childhood.

In a shocking episode, relayed Monday evening, the 48-year-old deliveryman-salesman wrote and read a long letter to this violent old aunt who repeatedly beat and humiliated him. This heavy and charged moment was the most emotional of all the editions of If we loved each other. Close-up of a flickering candle from Bath & Body Works.

Part of me said: Come on, that’s way too many intimate details. Poor Gino, he exposes the darkest moments of his personal life to hundreds of thousands of viewers, protect him from himself!


Gino, a participant of If we still loved each other

The other part of me thought: OK, if this confession frees Gino from his suffering, why deprive himself of it, why slow down his emancipation? Gino took the bull by one horn, he drank from the other, he parachuted, then burned the liberating letter in the company of his lover Christelle, a fan of long hug workshops on the terrace.

If only real life were that simple. You free fall from a plane, land softly and erase trauma, like Gino did. “I left him behind. I’m moving on to another life. I’m moving on,” Gino confided after his first flirtation with skydiving. We can only wish him something beautiful and sweet, really.

Another notable scene from If we still loved each other : the one where Madeleine took out her recorder (hey there, there!) to accompany Michel, on the guitar, who was declaiming the poem they composed for their wedding. Phew. I was torn between the absurdity of this impromptu concert and the sincerity of the two amateur musicians, completely invested in their Celtic-country recital.

Excerpt: “Our souls have vibrated throughout the past months. Then they merged, beyond eternity. » Insert pipe solo here.

And empty the fridge of onions and broccoli. These vegetables are giving Madeleine a lot of gas and she will run out of air to blow into her favorite instrument.

Keven and Stéphanie continue very hard to put together the pieces of the puzzle of their broken relationship. Their latest marital project? A palm tree tattoo, “the emblem tree of Cuba,” explained Stéphanie, before Keven asked the artist to add four stars to the original drawing.

It’s because we lost four babies, Stéphanie clarified, in contemplation mode. “Nice wink,” continued the tattoo artist, visibly unshaken by the four miscarriages her client experienced.

Let’s move on to Cathy and Guillaume, who are debating two major and divisive issues within a couple: money and dirty dishes lying on the counter. Guillaume has a very volatile mood, let’s say. One evening, he gets excited around the campfire over a marriage proposal made with a tinfoil ring. The next day, he loses his temper because Cathy never goes to “get the trunk”.

At the house of Traitors in Noovo, the polarizing Meriem once again stretched the rubber band of our collective patience by rolling her barrel-shield and whining like a spoiled baby. “Why isn’t anyone helping me?” “, lamented the pilot and solitary judoka, while all the other competitors pushed, in groups, to inflate the final prize pool.


Meriem, in the show Traitors

“You play for the money. I was gambling with my life. I have been fighting for everyone from the beginning,” repeated Meriem, who deliberately ignored the precarious status of real estate broker Étienne and that of federal civil servant Chelsea, also one wax seal away from the guillotine.

We’ll give Meriem that, she’s entertaining in all her intensity. She also invented the expression “flirt the head”, which fits well with this dangerous part of strategic seduction.

At the end of the episode, it was the traitor Axel who was banished to the round table. It was time for him to come out. His game became arrogant and predictable.

Traitors experiences significant growth on Monday evenings. Many of you praise the qualities of this murder mystery reality show. To borrow therapist language from Louise Sigouin, I hear what you are telling me.

The first episodes of Traitors did not appeal to me. I persisted, and now I’m hooked. Noovo should take inspiration from the English Canadian version, The Traitors, whose episodes only last 44 minutes. It’s the perfect format. Neither too long nor too short.


The Chiefs ! : The confrontation

On the show The Chiefs ! : The confrontation from Radio-Canada, candidate Guillaume Couture, 31, shone on Monday in the cocktail dinner bites test. This victory further complicates the race for the golden toque, already very close between Luca Cinciulli, Anthony Vien, Suzy Rainville and the meticulous Guillaume.

The latter also made Élyse Marquis ask a classic question: “What is that? » That was a gressini – a breadstick – a bread dough rolled into a cylinder or served in tiles for canapes.

It immediately reminded me of the Grissol brand bread sticks that we wolfed down in our childhood. It was less chic, certainly, but just as cute.

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