Maison Benoît-Labre | Cohabitation “should have been better prepared”, according to Lionel Carmant

(Quebec) Cohabitation between children and clients of Maison Benoît-Labre, which opened a supervised consumption place near a school, “should have been better prepared,” deplores Lionel Carmant. Quebec could no longer offer services in sites where the cities have not considered proximity to children.

The minister responsible for Social Services confirmed Wednesday the addition of a psychosocial worker who will provide surveillance outside the Maison Benoît-Labre site, starting next week.

The Press revealed Wednesday that cohabitation between childhood and homelessness is becoming more complicated these days in the central neighborhoods of Montreal, at a time when the social crisis is coming to light. “My guy is scared!” », Confided Jessica Normandeau, while waiting for her 5-year-old son in front of the Victor-Rousselot school, in the South-West, very close to the organization.

“There was a need, I think it should have been better prepared, better worked on. I have said it several times, cohabitation has to be worked on upstream,” explained Mr. Carmant about Maison Benoît-Labre.

However, there is no question of moving the site, according to the minister. “We have 36 people who we have just taken off the street and who have housing,” pleaded the minister. The organization, which opened a day center and a supervised consumption place last month, offers housing on the upper floors.

Lionel Carmant had also delivered a plea against the “not in my backyard” last fall, when the liberal deputies, Marwah Rizqy and Élisabeth Prass, had relayed in the House the concerns of the parents who requested the cancellation of the opening of the supervised consumption site.

The situation is not simple elsewhere. Examples reported by The Press reports of toddlers being escorted out of daycare by police. “Disruptive events” take place in schools. Children witness violence or exhibitionism.

“It is clear that we must improve cohabitation, especially for our children, and this includes the choice of sites that municipalities offer to community organizations. We, as a government, what we want is to improve services,” explained the minister upon his arrival for question period in Quebec.

On Wednesday, Mr. Carmant repeated that it is the municipalities which determine locations while Quebec offers social services.

In Montreal, the administration’s urban planning manager confirmed in May that proximity to children was not analyzed when the City must approve the location of a shelter or other service. “This will have to be taken into account for the next one,” argued the minister. Without legislating, the government could “decide not to offer services,” he said without further details.

With Philippe Teisceira-Lessard

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