in Iquitos, boarding for the cinema


Video length: 1 min

Peru: in Iquitos, boarding for the cinema
Seeing a film while being on the water is the experience attempted by film buffs somewhere in the Amazon rainforest, during a film festival.
(France 2)

Seeing a film while being on the water is the experience attempted by film buffs somewhere in the Amazon rainforest, during a film festival.

Installed by dozens on boats in the setting sun, these Peruvians attend a unique cinema screening in the world: a floating festival. Objective of the event: to highlight indigenous film production and raise awareness of environmental preservation in this region of the Amazon.

“It’s a festival that aims to celebrate the beauty of the world’s forests, but it is also a form of resistance and a way of denouncing the destruction of forests”, says Daniel Martinez-Quintanilla, co-executive director of the Muyuna floating film festival. In this popular neighborhood of Belèn, located in the city of Iquitos (Peru), a large part of life takes place on the water, hence the idea of ​​installing a large screen facing the river, allowing everyone to participate in it. A timeless moment, residents are also invited to meet activists and filmmakers from around the world.

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