“Today I am certain that I will not vote for this bill on the end of life,” says communist deputy André Chassaigne

“This bill will create pressure, which I would describe as diffuse, on the most vulnerable, isolated, disabled, dependent people,” laments André Chassaigne, Monday on franceinfo.


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Communist deputy André Chassaigne, February 27, 2024 at the National Assembly.  (STEPHANE DE SAKUTIN / AFP)

“Today I am certain that I will not vote for this bill on the end of life”said PCF deputy André Chassaigne on Monday May 27 on franceinfo, while examination of the text began in the National Assembly. “I will not vote for it, especially since the text has become tougher in committee on what should be called euthanasia even if” We are talking about “assisted dying”. But as far as he is concerned, “whether it is assisted suicide or euthanasia, I place them on the same level”believes the MP for Puy-de-Dôme.

“From what situation can we allow ourselves to kill in our society?asks the president of the Democratic and Republican Left group in the National Assembly. I think that’s the root of the problem.”

“What can lead, in the name of so-called freedom, for a terminally ill person to ask for death himself?”

André Chassaigne, PCF deputy

on franceinfo

For André Chassaigne, “this bill will create pressure, which I would describe as diffuse, on the most fragile, isolated, disabled, dependent people and who in their conscience will consider themselves to be inconvenient, useless”he fears. “Above all, I consider that palliative care must be developed throughout the country, which leads me to say that I will not vote for the inclusion of assisted dying in our legislation”insists the communist deputy.

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