Emmanuel Macron wants to “commit” to “unmask the ideas” of the RN which “threaten Europe”

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Emmanuel Macron explained on Sunday May 26 that he wanted “to commit” in the European elections of June 9 “to unmask the ideas of the National Rally”, during a state visit to Germany. “Unlike many, I am not getting used to the idea that the National Rally would be a party like any other and therefore when it is placed at the top of the polls I consider that this party and its ideas threaten Europe”declared the head of state during a press conference in Berlin, alongside German President Frank-Walter Steinmeier. Follow our live stream.

For Valérie Hayer, François-Xavier Bellamy and Raphaël Glucksmann are “on the fringes of their own group” in Strasbourg. The head of the list of Emmanuel Macron’s camp for the European elections denounced his competitors on Radio J as “supporters of the status quo” in Europe. “I accept being in a coalition in the European Parliament”which includes the PPE and PSE groups, in which the head of the LR and PS lists sit respectively, she explained.

Emmanuel Macron “ends up bringing about the National Rally”, regrets Raphaël Glucksmann. “By playing with institutions and democratic equity”Emmanuel Macron “ends up raising the National Rally by constantly presenting it as the only possible opposition to his policies and his person”, regrets Raphaël Glucksmann, invited Sunday May 26 on the LCI set. President “was elected on the promise, the evening of his election, that he would bring down the extreme right”but “today, we have never had such a high extreme right”criticizes the head of the PS-Place publique list in the European elections, which will be held on June 9.

Manon Aubry calls on voters to vote for La France insoumise to “send environmentalist deputies to Parliament”. “The safest way to send green MPs to the European Parliament is to vote for MPs from La France insoumise”, argues in the show “Dimanche en politique”, the head of the La France insoumise list, Manon Aubry. Furthermore, when asked about the holding of the European elections, the MEP considered that “the only thing that will allow the vote to be held in good conditions is to restore calm” in New Caledonia. But “calm cannot be decreed”, she continues, believing that the government must withdraw the controversial constitutional bill to end the crisis there.

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