the bill about to be debated in the National Assembly


Video length: 2 min

End of life: the bill soon to be debated in the National Assembly
End of life: the bill about to be debated in the National Assembly
(France news)

Conditions, administration of the lethal product, doctor’s decision… After being studied in committee, the end-of-life bill will be discussed in the National Assembly on Monday May 27.

Kick-off for the End of Life Project Bill. The text will be examined Monday May 27 in the National Assembly. The original version proposed by the government opens the way to assisted dying provided that five criteria are respected: being over 18 years old, having all mental faculties, the patient’s vital prognosis must be engaged in the short or medium term , his illness must be incurable and his suffering unbearable.

The condition of an engaged vital prognosis was replaced in committee by the broader notion of advanced or terminal phase of the disease.

Some left-wing deputies, on the contrary, hope to go further in the text, unlike the majority. They want to expand the conditions for assisted dying. On CNEWS, Emmanuel Bompard, coordinator of LFI on end of life, mentions in particular “accidental causes“. Examination of the bill will also make it possible to designate who can administer a lethal product. Apart from the caregiver, the text also provides that the patient or a third party designated by the latter can do so. A provision which sparks debate in several parties.

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