the unions cry haro on the new turn of the screw after the announcements of Gabriel Attal

The terms of the tightening of the rules for benefiting from unemployment insurance were revealed by the Prime Minister in an interview with the “Tribune Dimanche”.


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Prime Minister Gabriel Attal during a press conference at the Elysée, May 16, 2024 in Paris.  (LUDOVIC MARIN / MAXPPP)

The government’s new turn of the screw on unemployment insurance provokes the anger of the unions on Sunday May 26, who denounce both the form and the content and objectives of the reform presented by Gabriel Attal on Saturday.

Duration of compensation reduced to 15 months, need to have worked eight months over the last 20 months to be compensated, compared to six today, “senior job bonus”… The terms of the tightening of the rules for benefiting from unemployment insurance revealed by the Prime Minister in an interview with La Tribune Sunday increased the wrath of the unions. “It’s a populist reform”scathed the general secretary of CFE-CGC executives François Hommeril on RMC on Sunday, accusing the government of lying to “pick the pockets” employees by stigmatizing the unemployed.

“This is the worst tightening of compensation conditions that has ever been implemented. When the social partners had control, you had to have worked four months in 28 months, and now we go to eight months in 20”reports Michel Beaugas of FO to AFP. “This will reduce by more than 15% the number of job seekers who will receive unemployment compensation, that is to say, we will leave already precarious job seekers in precariousness and poverty,” he added.

“It’s a reform that is difficult, I accept,” declared Gabriel Attal on the sidelines of a trip to Etréchy (Essonne) as part of the European election campaign. “It is not a policy to encourage a return to work, it is a budgetary policy”, reacted to AFP Olivier Guivarch, CFDT unemployment insurance negotiator. Like the other unions, the CFDT criticizes the objective of savings of 3.6 billion euros envisaged thanks to this reform, the first union center probably even deeming them underestimated.

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