In Bourbonnais, this region between Vichy, Moulins and Montluçon (in other words a large part of Allier), poultry producers obtained a Protected Designation of Origin 6 months ago: the AOP chicken du Bourbonnais.
Reading time: 3 min

The Bourbonnais poultry industry has been waiting for this AOP for almost 30 years, the second in the world for a chicken, after that of Bresse. To obtain a protected designation of origin, you must bring together a terroir, know-how and a product. Here, the product has a long history, as François Périchon, former president of the sector, one of the architects of the revival of the breed, tells us:
“It is a breed resulting from a cross between a white hen, which was found on the farms of Bourbonnais in the last century, and a Brahma rooster. It has a pretty hackle, a serrated crest and a tail with feathers in the shape of sickles And it is also the history of sharecropping, with the women who, in the past, gave this breed curds at the end of breeding, a tradition that we have taken up.”
Thus, Bourbonnais chicken is raised for more than 100 days outdoors, on a grassy area. It is now seeking to find a place of choice, alongside Bresse poultry. Some chefs have completely dubbed it, like Olivier Valade, of the Michelin-starred restaurant La Chapelle, in Montluçon: “I only take pullets, which have a meatier side. The fat content is very interesting and they have exceptionally tender flesh.” Olivier Valade now wants to be an ambassador for Bourbonnais poultry.
The attribution of the AOP gave a serious boost to sales. New breeders are positioning themselves to join the dozen or so that currently form the sector. Production should therefore triple within three years, from 500 to 1,500 chickens sold each week.