Philippe Couillard and “real business”

At the end of the week, the general council of the Liberal Party of Quebec meets to celebrate the tenth anniversary of the election of the Liberal government of Philippe Couillard. With hindsight, we can now take the full measure of the achievements of his government. According to experts, Mr. Couillard’s government clearly stood out in the number of promises honored, which testifies to the high value he placed on the fidelity and integrity of his word.

The current deficit of $11 billion in the Quebec budget contrasts with the exceptional management of public finances and economic development orchestrated from 2014 to 2018. Remember that the analyzes of Luc Godbout and Claude Montmarquette then revealed that in the absence of action, the deficit would have reached 5.9 billion in 2014 and 7.6 billion in 2015, alarming figures compared to previous forecasts of the Parti Québécois government.

Faced with such a financial abyss and the growing anxiety of the rating agencies, Prime Minister Philippe Couillard worked to “restore and revive” the State. His relentless efforts made it possible to achieve four balanced budgets in a row, a feat which was rewarded by an upgrade of Quebec’s credit rating by Standard & Poor’s in June 2017, a historic milestone for a quarter of a century.

This budgetary reversal gave the government the latitude to choose its future. For Mr. Couillard, this new room for maneuver was the true indicator of autonomy, that which allowed one to devote oneself to “real business”. At the end of his mandate, he left behind a budget surplus of 7 billion, a reserve that his successor could devote to other initiatives.

Attached to liberal principles, he led a government focused on economic growth. With the help of its “economic trio” — Carlos Leitão, Jacques Daoust, and Martin Coiteux — Quebec saw its economy prosper and, as of 2016, significantly reduced the wealth gap with Ontario. He undertook the rescue of the CSeries and Bombardier, consolidating the future of the Quebec aeronautical sector. He also stimulated the development of Sept-Îles by resolving the Pointe-Noire issue and acquiring the assets of the multinational Cliffs. He inaugurated an ambitious policy for the innovative manufacturing sector and launched the Apuiat energy project, as well as Quebec’s first maritime strategy.

Health remained a priority under his government. The notable improvements in emergency room waiting times, which went from more than 16 hours in 2014 to 13 hours in 2018, clearly illustrate the progress made. However, these advances were reversed starting in 2019. In 2022, the wait was more than 16 hours. A year later, in 2023, emergency room waiting times exceeded 17 hours.

Mr. Couillard’s commitment to the environment was also notable. He played a crucial role in the integration of federal states into global climate negotiations, notably during COP21 and the Paris agreements. He refused to develop the oil resources of Anticosti Island and launched the REM project, a pillar of sustainable urban planning.

Mr. Couillard was also the first since Jean Lesage to address elected officials at Queen’s Park, reaffirming Quebec’s desire to strengthen its position within the Canadian federation and encourage closer economic ties while emphasizing the distinctive character of Quebec. He adopted the policy “Québécois, our way of being Canadians”, reinforcing the inclusive and distinctive identity of the Quebec nation.

These achievements would not have been possible without the contribution and support of a team of high-caliber MPs and ministers. Philippe Couillard was able to mobilize competent and dedicated individuals, whose commitment to the government’s vision was exemplary. Together, they formed a united and dynamic group of women and men working every day to meet the expectations of Quebecers.

A retrospective look at Philippe Couillard’s mandate reveals the extent of his determination, which made it possible to restore public finances, revive the economy and strengthen self-government to better serve the population. Its legacy is that of a revitalized Quebec, more confident and open to the world.

In an era marked by the polarization of political discourse, Mr. Couillard has chosen the path of unity rather than that of discord, convinced that solidarity is the key to meeting challenges. His tenure demonstrated that collaboration is the foundation of progress. He leaves an indelible mark on Quebec. Inspired by the general council’s framework resolution of October 2013, which called for the creation of a prosperous, just and united society, Philippe Couillard worked tirelessly, in harmony with the values ​​of Quebecers, for the well-being of all of Quebec.

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