France | Star radio host Sebastien Cauet charged with raping teenage girls

(Paris) A star radio host in France was indicted in Paris on Friday for rape and sexual assault on four women, three of whom were teenagers at the time of the alleged acts.

Sebastien Cauet, removed from the air, is notably suspected of having raped a 16-year-old girl in November 2014 in Geneva, Switzerland.

The host is also accused of having raped another young girl, aged 15, in December 1997 in Paris. And of having sexually assaulted a third 17-year-old girl in December 2012.

The former presenter of music radio NRJ, who contests the accusations, was placed under judicial supervision, “with in particular the obligation to pay a bond of 100,000 euros (approximately $148,000 CAN)” and to “follow treatment », Specified the prosecution to AFP.

His judicial control also implies that he “regularly reports” to the police station, that he does not come into “contact with the people who have filed a complaint or testified”.

His lawyers did not wish to react.

Mr. Cauet, aged 52, a well-known figure on the radio for thirty years, was the star host of NRJ where he stood out with his outings. trash on the microphone… until his withdrawal from the air at the end of November, in the wake of the first accusations of rape.

Other women accused him of sexual violence. These facts “are not part of the referral to the investigating judge, because of their limitation period,” explained the prosecution.

“The words of victims of acts, even prescribed ones, are never in vain and this case is a new illustration of that,” said Mr.e Le Jeune, whose clients filed complaints of sexual assault in 1997 and rape in the mid-1990s.

Mr. Cauet claims to be the victim of cyberharassment, slanderous denunciation and attempted extortion. He filed a complaint, leading to the opening of two preliminary investigations, for which he was heard at the end of 2023.

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