Pro-Palestinian camps | Quebec calls for calm after a weekend marked by clashes

Quebec calls for calm on the pro-Palestinian camps at McGill University and UQAM, in the wake of clashes between police and demonstrators. These places “must be dismantled”, reiterates the Minister of Higher Education, who does not close the door to a public, but peaceful, debate on campuses.

“It’s certain that on the UQAM side, tension is rising. We always said that it was not at all the same clientele,” said Pascale Déry on Wednesday, in a press scrum at the National Assembly.

She was reacting to a report from The Press, published earlier, which dealt with the fact that security has been increasing in recent days around the pro-Palestinian camp located on the UQAM grounds, after a weekend marked by clashes between police and demonstrators. The latter, who denounce an “excessive” police intervention, invited those interested to come and swell their ranks.

For the minister, there is only one possible outcome in this matter. “I repeat: these camps must be dismantled. I think this is not the appropriate place to have this kind of demonstration. »

“These are extremely complex debates, a very sensitive issue, and I think we need to focus on it, because there are several questions that arise. But we can do it with the two communities on campus who are involved and concerned. Camping on private land is not appropriate,” persisted Déry on this subject.

She assured that her government is always “in fairly close communication with the rectors of the different camps, whether McGill, UQAM or Sherbrooke.” “We are monitoring the situation closely. »

A conviction demanded

The League of Rights and Freedoms (LDL) called on Wednesday for public condemnations of Mayor Valérie Plante and the Montreal police chief, Fady Dagher, in connection with Monday’s events. “This event is reminiscent of a history of police repression of demonstrations in Montreal,” denounced Laurence Guénette, spokesperson for the LDL.

As we previously reported, tension rose a notch on Monday when demonstrators temporarily blocked an intersection in the area of ​​avenue du Président-Kennedy and rue Saint-Urbain, very close to the Service’s headquarters. of the City of Montreal police (SPVM).

“Protesters made barricades to block the street. When the police intervened to disperse the demonstrations, they did not want to follow orders. The demonstrators rushed towards the police officers, attacking them,” said agent Sabrina Gauthier, spokesperson for the SPVM.

On Instagram, the collective “Solidarity for the Human Rights of Palestinians”, which identifies directly with UQAM, denounced in reaction that the police intervention was “disproportionate”, judging that the police “violently attacked” its members, all “without notice and without notice of dispersal”, even though the activity was intended to be “festive”.

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