Christian Dubé provides an update on COVID-19

Quebec is facing an Omicron tidal wave and more than 3,000 beds could be occupied by positive patients, according to the latest projections from the National Institute of Excellence in Health and Social Services (INESSS). Never seen. To add to the storm, 20,000 employees of the health network are absent due to COVID-19, said Minister of Health and Social Services Christian Dubé, at a press briefing Thursday.

To counter this fifth wave, Quebec is tightening the screws on the unvaccinated. The vaccine passport will be required from January 18 to access the Société des alcools du Québec (SAQ) and the Société québécoise du cannabis (SQDC). It will also become mandatory for other non-essential businesses, including personal care. Minister Christian Dubé indicated that an announcement will be made on this subject shortly.

The Legault government also plans to require a third dose to obtain the vaccination passport. Christian Dubé, however, wanted to reassure the population. “We will not impose it until everyone has been able to be vaccinated,” he said.

More details to come …

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