Around Bérengère Bonte, those informed debate the news of May 21, 2024.
Reading time: 56 min

The themes :
New Caledonia, Emmanuel Macron takes control: after eight days of very high tensions which left six dead, hundreds injured and millions of euros in damage, the President left to set up “a mission”.
ICC requests arrest warrants for Netanyahu and Hamas leaders: the request from the prosecutor of the International Criminal Court provokes various reactions. The Americans consider this decision scandalous, Berlin is more nuanced and regrets the simultaneous aspect of the request for Israel and Hamas and France supports the initiative of the ICC which it considers independent.
Airbnb rental versus long-term rental: This is the issue of the day in the Senate where a bill was being examined to toughen the conditions for Airbnb-type rentals because of the severe housing crisis in certain regions.
The informed:
Elsa Freyssenet, grand reporter at Les Echos
Gilles Bronstein, political journalist at franceinfo
Cédric Clérin, reditor-in-chief of L’Humanité Magazine
Guillaume Lagane, lecturer at Sciences-Po, specialist in defense issues and international relations and author of “International Questions in Files”, published by Ellipses
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