Chris Noth removed from Sex and the City sequel

Chris Noth, known for the role of Mr. Big, will not appear in the final episode of the series And Just Like That, Following Sex and the City broadcast by HBO Max, reports Variety. The withdrawal of the sequences already filmed comes in the wake of accusations of sexual assault made against the actor by four women.

Alexandre Vigneault

Alexandre Vigneault

HBO Max has not commented on the news of Variety and the actor denies the accusations leveled against him.

Whistleblower alert: Chris Noth dies in the first episode of And Just Like That, but was set to return for the series finale in a whimsical scene reminiscent of her past with Carrie Brashaw (Sarah Jessica Parker). It appears the production judged the show could do without this scene in the current context, according to Variety.

Chris Noth has lost other professional engagements since rape and touching charges were leveled against him. The three main actresses of the series And Just Like That jointly declared to support the women concerned in this matter.

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