Grands Prix du design 2024: a hand-picked jury

This text is part of the special Pleasures notebook

Once again this year, for its 17the edition, the international caliber competition celebrates the excellence and talent of creatives and businesses, all forms of design combined. With the deadline for nominations behind us, it is now the turn of the jury members to do their work.

They are experienced designers, architects, professors, entrepreneurs, journalists and editors recognized for their inspiring careers and the excellence of their avant-garde approaches. “This multidisciplinary jury made up of elites is one of the important elements which anchor the competition in its international opening and ensure the quality and prestige of the distinction that is the Grands Prix du design competition”, specifies the organization by means of a press release.

Experts and their vision

Around a hundred have accepted the invitation to sit on one of the juries which will designate the winners in the different categories. Among them, almost half have already held this prestigious position, while the other is participating for the first time. In its edition which will be launched in June, the magazine Interiors shines the spotlight on these newcomers with inspiring backgrounds who will take up the challenge of selecting the best. Accessible for free in its online version, the bilingual media based in Quebec gives a place to the people behind each project by making the culture of design and architecture more human. “We want to know them better, to know who they are. In our edition Peoplewe dedicate a page to all the new members of the jury of this 17e edition,” explains Brigitte Gadoury, co-president of, the agency which organizes the Grands Prix du design.

Tushar Negi, an architect registered with the Ontario Association of Architects (OAA) and the Council of Architecture of India (COA), is part of this select group. While he has just received the applications that he will have to evaluate, he welcomes this type of initiative. “Competitions like these allow you to gain experience and provide opportunities for recognition […] For my part, I will examine the original creative thinking of the participants in the projects. I would like to see more sustainable designs and a return to minimalism,” he says.

Asked what he was going to look for in the ideas submitted to him, the architect and co-founder of beMONDO, Jean-Sébastien Bourdages, speaks of beauty and aesthetics. However, he suggests going even further and “judging projects on the potential for human well-being and appropriation by users. It can be pleasant, magnificent spaces that are rigorous and almost prescriptive for the behavior to be held there. But it seems that, in these post-pandemic years, architecture and design should promote physical and mental comfort. [Créons] workplaces or living environments for humans more than for a look for photography,” he believes.

A showcase without borders

“It’s a way to encourage spaces and projects that stand out. It should be remembered that design competitions are widely used as a method of promotion for designers or manufacturers. By welcoming candidates internationally for four years now, we arrive with a much more global vision of design, an openness to the world,” explains Brigitte Gadoury. She adds that these competitions are known to be a source of inspiration for both the industry and consumers who are rethinking their living spaces. “It’s a good way to discover everyone’s style, to find a firm that speaks to us. These professionals offer solutions so that a design stands out through its look, comfort and usefulness,” she says.

For participants, not only does this type of competition honor the profession, it can also reshape a career plan by propelling the winners towards new avenues. “Being a designer requires artistic flair and business skills. A distinction therefore represents a guarantee of success and confidence for current and future customers. It’s also a significant recognition from her peers,” says Marie-Hélène Trottier, certified graphic designer and member of the jury for the 2024 Grands Prix du design. She herself has received numerous awards in her 25-year career.

The disciplines that will be rewarded

This content was produced by the Special Publications team at Duty, relating to marketing. The writing of the Duty did not take part.

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