Lunch without spending too much: inventory of the different options

How to treat yourself without breaking the bank during your lunch break? We take a look at the different formulas with Fanny Guinochet.



Reading time: 2 min

The lunch break can sometimes be very expensive for employees.  (WESTEND61 / WESTEND61)

The lunch break can end up costing employees dearly. Home-cooked meals, bakeries, restaurant vouchers, there are several solutions to avoid spending too much. Fanny Guinochet takes stock of the situation.

franceinfo: Spontaneously, we say to ourselves that to save money, we must bring our own meal, cooked the day before at home?

Fanny Guinochet: Yes, this is what more and more employees are doing, according to a recent study by Snacking, which is a player in the sector. Nearly one in two French people now bring their meal to work at least once a week. Preparing your lunch – which today we call lunch box, it’s more – has even become trendy, provided that you organize yourself, by cooking in the evening, for example, by planning an extra portion for the next day, by cooking on the weekend, and freezing meals for the whole week. This is the least expensive option since you can get away with it for around €2. Another important advantage is that it is the healthiest formula because you can control your meal, the quantities and the seasoning.

Can you also buy your meal at the bakery or supermarket?

The range of dishes has expanded greatly in recent years, with salads, quiches, ready meals, and with formula systems: main course, dessert, drink. But be careful, because if you do the calculation at the end of the month, it can quickly represent a small budget. You have to count between five and 10 € per day for a quality that sometimes leaves something to be desired and an incentive to consume since you are encouraged to buy a sugary drink rather than water, or to indulge in a dessert. Also pay attention to delivery options, you order and they deliver to your office: a host of tempting applications have opened up in this niche, but it’s difficult to get by at less than €12 – €15 per meal. One thing is certain, we go to restaurants less and less like before, because it is the most expensive option, unless of course, you are lucky enough to have a company restaurant. This is interesting because the employer covers part of your lunch.

Are there also restaurant vouchers?

Yes, with also support from the employer, but not all employees benefit from it. This is an interesting option because you can use these meal vouchers to do your shopping in supermarkets. The most interesting option is even to prepare your bowl from food purchased with restaurant tickets!

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