The president of “Young People with Macron”, 20th on Valérie Hayer’s list for the European elections, was filmed on social networks claiming “to be unemployed during the campaign period”.
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In this video filmed in Lyon and posted on the TikTok network, passers-by respond to a simple sidewalk microphone. Among them: Ambroise Méjean, candidate in 20th position on the list of the presidential majority in the European elections. Tracts by Valérie Hayer in hand, he answers the questions: what is your job? What is your salary? “There I am unemployed, during the electoral campaign period, he said. I get around 2,500 euros per month.”
The video provokes ironic and critical comments. “He is twisting the law to campaign […] while benefiting from unemployment”, writes for example an RN deputy. Some people point out that the government wants to tighten unemployment insurance rules. For Raquel Garrido, LFI MP, being unemployed is a right and, she emphasizes, “it’s still quite inconsistent of him to support a government which spends its time criminalizing people deprived of employment and giving the impression that they live at the expense of society! It’s false, his personal situation tends to demonstrate this.”
In a press release, Ambroise Méjean explains that he had to leave his job at the Ministry of Ecological Transition after the reshuffle in January 2024. “I have been registered with France Travail since then. Nothing guarantees that I will be elected on June 9. I continue to actively look for a job”he writes.