Forcing the unvaccinated, debacle on the left … The informed of the morning of January 6

Every morning, the informed discuss on franceinfo the subjects which are or will make the news of the day.

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Reading time : 1 min.

Around Marc Fauvelle and Renaud Dély, to decipher the news of Thursday, January 6, Geraldine Woessner, journalist at Point and Sylvain Courage, editor-in-chief of The Obs.

The themes :

– Should we despair of the unvaccinated? The words of the Head of State made in front of the French during a meeting organized by The Parisian the opposition surged and caused a wave of comments in the media. After Emmanuel Macron’s words, will the threat pay off or on the contrary stir up violence?

– January, the month of sales for the left: everything must disappear? Three months before the presidential election, the left is still divided with at least six important candidates. Is the primary on the left buried? Are we going to witness a collective crash?

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