Matthieu Boisseau, journalist at France Télévisions, constituted with Julien Pelletier (journalist and image reporter) and Julien Cordier (chief editor) the only television team authorized to join the crew of the Belem, when this magnificent three-masted ship built in 1896, crossed the Mediterranean from Greece with the Olympic flame on board.
Reading time: 1 min

Speaking to François Beaudonnet, Matthieu Boisseau recounts this extraordinary experience of twelve days at sea until Marseille. Sixty people were on the three-masted ship, including young people, unaccustomed to life on a boat.
Barely disembarked from the Belem, and still suffering slightly from what sailors call “land sickness”, the reporter gives a behind-the-scenes look at the work of his television team as well as his daily life on board, full of promiscuity and camaraderie. Matthieu Boisseau confides that what marked him the most was the “crew spirit”, which very quickly united the professional sailors of Belem, the military guardians of the Olympic flame and the young people who came from all over the world. the regions of France.
You can subscribe to this France Télévisions series on the Radio France application , Spotify , Deezer , Apple Podcasts , Google Podcasts and AudioNow. About the podcast: “At the information desk” is the first native (audio) podcast from France Télévisions. In the form of a journalistic interview, an actor who produces public service television news – a major reporter, a cameraman, a presenter – comes to speak, tell, reveal the way in which he works. In the soundscape of a café counter, he confides his doubts, his joys, but also his fears when he is in the field or in the studio. Since May 2021, the podcast “At the information desk” also receives journalists from Radio France (France Inter, France Info, France Culture) at his microphone. The series is produced by François Beaudonnet, editorialist on franceinfo (channel 27), senior reporter at France 2 and columnist in the program “Nous, les Européens” on France 3. Former correspondent in Rome and Brussels, he started on radio where he presented the 1 p.m. news on France Inter. This episode was directed by Arnaud Pacary
The series is produced by François Beaudonnet, editorialist on franceinfo (channel 27), senior reporter at France 2 and columnist in the program “Nous, les Européens” on France 3. Former correspondent in Rome and Brussels, he started on radio where he presented the 1 p.m. news on France Inter.
This episode was directed by Arnaud Pacary