Storm in India | Falling sign causes four deaths and 60 injuries

(Bombay) Four people were killed and at least sixty injured when a billboard fell toppled by a strong storm in Bombay, municipal authorities in India’s financial capital announced Monday.

Dozens of people were trapped under the sign which fell near a gas station in the east of the city.

“So far, sixty people have been rescued from the accident site and admitted to hospital. Four people died,” said the press release from municipal authorities.

The billboard measured 70 meters by 50 meters, according to a message posted on X by the Mumbai police.


On Thursday, Mumbai was hit by severe weather with downpours and dust storms that uprooted trees and caused brief power outages and disruptions to train traffic.

According to media reports, flights were suspended at Mumbai International Airport and at least 15 planes diverted.

According to a message on X from Devendra Fadnavis, number two in the Maharashtra state government, “a high-level investigation has been ordered” into the tragedy.

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